You are reading Limited Run manga, one of the most popular manga covering in Drama, Mature, Psychological, Romance, toons, Yaoi genres, written by Kim Eunji at. Limited Run Scan Vf.

You are reading Limited Run manga, one of the most popular manga covering in Drama, Mature, Psychological, Romance, toons, Yaoi genres, written by. Life is rough enough for a struggling young actor, but Yeon-oh has bigger problems at home with his gambling addict of a father. Between barely finding any work. Stats: 4.9M. 94. Description: FROM BEEHIVE SCANS:Rookie actor Seo Yeon-Oh lives a pathetic life as a no-namer; paying his dad's ever-increasing gambling debts. But one. You are reading Limited Run (Official) manga, one of the most popular manga covering in Adult, Drama, Full Color, Manhwa, Mature, Romance, Smut, toons, Yaoi genres,.

Scan Limited Run 76 VF | sortiemanga. Chargement en cours... Lorsque Wen Yifan retourne dans sa ville natale pour le travail, elle retombe par hasard sur le mec le plus. Manga : Limited Run, Année : 2021. La vie est assez dure pour un jeune acteur en difficulté, mais Yeon Oh a de plus gros problèmes à la maison avec son père accro au.

Read Limited Run - Chapter 61 | ManhuaScan. The next chapter, Chapter 62 is also available here. Come and enjoy! Rookie actor Seo Yeon-Oh lives a pathetic life as a no.