Takashi's Group is a group of mostly surviving Fujimi Academy students (with the exception of Alice) led by Takashi Komuro who banded together to survive the undead. The group. Highschool Of The Dead Takashi Komuro.

Unknown. Mrs. Komuro is the mother of Takashi Komuro and wife of Mr. Komuro. She works at the Shintoko 3rd Elementary School where the prefectural police and Self Defense. Rei Miyamoto (宮本 麗, Miyamoto Rei) is a second year student of Fujimi Academy, and a classmate and childhood friend of Takashi Komuro since kindergarten. She is also a. Takashi Komuro is the main protagonist and narrator of the anime/manga series Highschool of the Dead. He is a high school second-year and the leader of the main group of.

A 17 year old sophomore high school student, Takashi is in the same class as Rei whom he has been friends with since childhood. He loved her ever since she made a childhood.